Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is galvanic Shock?

We all know that electric shock occurs when electric current flows through your body. electric shock merely startles you or it is fatal. Voltage itself may have wee to do with it. Voltage (V) is a measure of electrical possible and current (amperage) is a measure of electron flow rate. Knowing this now we can say, it's not the electrical possible (voltage) that affects you, it's the flow of electrons (current) through your body that does you wrong (electrocute).

Other factors that decree the extent of electric shock injury include. The number of Resistance your body gives to current that flow through your body. Secondly the path the current takes and finally the distance of time it travels. Citizen can have different resistance to current flow in there body but here is some general measure of effects of different current levels measured in amperes to your body.


Less than 1/2 milliamp no sensation
1/2 to 2 milliamps Threshold of perception
2 to 10 milliamps muscular contraction
5 to 25 milliamps painful shock (may not be able to let go)
Over 25 milliamps Could be violent muscular contraction
50 to 100 milliamps Ventricular fibrillation
over 100 paralysis of breathing.

What is galvanic Shock?

You can see that there is a high occurrences of death around 25 milliamps up to about 100 when passed through the heart. We all understand why the low amperage will scrambles/confuses your neurons (electrical pathways) in your body that are transmitting information, thought, touch, motor control etc, this stop permissible body muscle contraction even to the heart(Ventricular fibrillation).But why if it is over a 100 milliamps does it not necessarily kill you?. Well it turns out, you tighten up so much, that your chest holds your heart still until the power is released. At that point your heart may undoubtedly restart -The down side is that the rest of you is not undoubtedly in good shape. May cause muscles tear up even bone breakages and boiling of the blood?

In fact higher the voltage the lower the current, but ordinarily higher voltage will carry more current when traveling through a path. If you find this inconceivable, then explain how Citizen survive lightning strikes and dead birds don't rain from the power lines.

What is galvanic Shock?

Shockshock collars for dogs

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Foreplay Tips That Will Shock Your Man!

Foreplay is an act that prepares you and your man for actual intercourse. Foreplay wakes up both your senses and puts you in the mood to doing the deed. Without it only one of you will enjoy what should have been a sizzling "make-out session" for the two of you.

Are you having issues when it comes to giving your man some foreplay tricks? Then these sure fire tips can sure help you solve your question and make you a better, more sure woman in bed- as you already know how to satisfy him.


1. Do the taste test. Before positively giving him a blow, test his waters first by touching the tip of his head with the tip of your index finger. This will send the signal for his manhood to wake up as a foreign hand is about to take control of him. Best yet, lick the tip of your index finger so it becomes wet with your saliva, then touch the tip of the head in a circular appeal to get him into the mood faster.

Foreplay Tips That Will Shock Your Man!

2. The sudden gulp. Guys like surprises, and they positively reach their climax when they are given sudden, unanticipated actions while foreplay. Suppose you already are licking your guy's manhood, play with his balls using your fingers to increase his excitement. And just when he least expects it, give him a deep blow. The sudden impact, paired with the vacuum performance of your mouth will make his spirits fly high, and after a few seconds expect him to prepare his volcano to erupt. After the gulp, act like you are trying to swallow his manhood so that he would feel tighter, the pressure urging him to issue his orgasm.

Foreplay Tips That Will Shock Your Man!

Shockshockproof waterproof camera

Culture Shock

'Culture shock' is a term used in differing contexts, occasionally with different meanings. However, when used with reference to relocation it refers to the process of coming to understand and adapt to differences in culture manifest straight through daily interaction and situations.

Culture shock is a process that affects habitancy of different walks of life. Efl teachers, managers, sportsmen and children all deal with culture shock as part of international relocation. Studying to recognise it and its effects is a beneficial means of minimising any negative side-effects of relocation.


Relocation abroad is a huge step. The changes and contrasts in the easy things such as the language, food, Tv, weather, shopping and socialising are only a small part of the relocation process and culture shock. It is often the deeper differences in customs, mentality, world view and interpersonal interaction that have a more profound effect.

Culture Shock

Experts have identified varying stages of culture shock. The most common stages of culture shock one faces with relocation abroad are:

Stimulation - the first stage of relocation is commonly full of hope and excitement. Culture shock is kept at bay due to a obvious outlook mixed with an enthusiasm for the relocation. Interaction with the host culture is primarily passive.

Culture Shock - at this stage of the relocation habitancy start to interact with the host culture actively, either straight through work or in day to day situations. The differences in behaviour combined with the stress of adapting to a new daily habit leads to a dislike and commentary of the host culture. Symptoms of culture shock start to appear such as homesickness, boredom, lethargy, irritability and hostility to the host culture.

Adjustment - after the initial settling-in period, an comprehension and empathy with the host culture starts to develop. habitancy feel more comfortable with their routines and surroundings. A working knowledge of the language begins to be used actively.

Enthusiasm - the relocation is now a distant memory and the host country becomes 'home'. The effects of culture shock lessen as a genuine enjoyment of the new location develops. Elements of the host culture's behaviours and mentality are adopted. Rather than criticise, obvious areas of the host culture are adored to the native culture.

Prior to relocation, it is prominent for individuals, couples and families to learn as much about the new host country as possible. If this is not done straight through a relocation briefing, then personal investigate should look at the subject of culture shock and areas such as the people, culture, communal norms, religions, language, food, entertainment and accommodation. Good establishment can go a long way in readying for and dealing with culture shock.

Culture Shock

Shockshock collars for dogs

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pool Chemicals: Pool Shock

What does "Shocking" a swimming pool mean, and why is it necessary? Pool shock is a granular pool chemical, which should be added to your swimming pool at least once each week. You should shock more oftentimes if the pool is used heavily, after you receive large amounts of rain, or while extended periods of hot, sunny weather. The chlorine tablets or granular chlorine that you constantly dissolve into your pool water seeks out and combines with bacteria and other organics on a molecular level, to neutralize these harmful contaminants. In the process of killing these harmful contaminants the chlorine becomes inactive, and the chlorine and bacteria that have combined together is called "Combined Chlorine". The combined chlorine must be removed from the swimming pool to keep your pool water safe and clean. The combined chlorine is removed by "Shocking" the swimming pool. Super chlorinating or "Shocking" means drastically raising the chlorine level of the swimming pool for a short time, to a high sufficient level that the combined chlorine is oxidized and burnt off. Which Shock should you use? There seems to be a very wide option of swimming pool shock on the market, and each pool provide jobber works hard to make their goods seem a step above the rest. When all of the products are compared side by the side, the only real contrast on the labels is the concentration of the active ingredients in the product. The accepted pool shock that most pool owners use has the active ingredient Calcium Hypochlorite. You should expect the label to read 65% Calcium Hypochlorite. another more concentrated version of the pool shock may have as much as 75% Calcium Hypochlorite. Some manufacturers advertise a Calcium Hypochlorite based shock product, which allows you to swim in the pool shortly after adding it. Upon examining the label you will notice that the concentration of Calcium Hypochlorite is only around 47%. Although you can swim shortly after using this type of shock product, the lower concentration of Calcium Hypochlorite may not be sufficient to effectively destroy bacteria and harmful contaminants in your pool. Another chlorine based shock goods that most pool provide distributors offer is commonly referred to as "Lithium Shock". Rather than the active ingredient Calcium Hypochlorite that is found in tasteless Pool Shock, Lithium Shock contains Lithium Hypochlorite. Lithium shock uses lithium as a filler instead of the calcium, which allows this goods to dissolve in water much quicker and does not affect the calcium hardness level of the swimming pool. Although Lithium Shock is excellent to the tasteless Calcium Hypochlorite based pool shock, this goods is not used by most pool owners due to the higher cost. In addition to the chlorine based pool shock, you will find a goods called Chlorine-Free Pool Shock. This revolutionary pool chemical performs the same task of oxidizing bacteria and organics in your swimming pool water, but it does not contain chlorine or chemicals that are harsh on swimmers eyes and skin. Chlorine-Free pool shock performs just as well as a chlorine based swimming pool shock by using the active ingredient Potassium Monopersulfate. Chlorine free pool shock uses a unique chemical process to destroy bacteria, instead of raising the chlorine level of water to risky levels. You can admittedly swim in the pool only one hour after using Chlorine-Free Shock. Chlorine based pool shock (Calcium Hypochlorite) has a high pH, and will simply raise the pH level of your swimming pool water, in addition to changing your chlorine level. Chlorine free shock has a neutral pH, and will not affect any of your pool chemical levels. Chlorine-free shock is also excellent to chlorine based pool shock for normal weekly shocking because of the inert ingredients and fillers that are used in the product. Each time chlorine based (Calcium-Hypochlorite) swimming pool Shock is added to your water, you are adding calcium to the pool. This may eventually raise the calcium hardness level of the water, causing cloudiness or scaling along the water line. Chlorine based swimming pool shock should always be kept on hand, because it is the Only pool chemical that will kill algae after algae has grown in the pool. If your water chemistry is properly maintained, and you shock your swimming pool at least once a week, you will never see algae or palpate water problems of any kind! Don't use Liquid Shock! Another type of shock that is widely available at any local pool store, hardware store and many grocery stores is liquid chlorine. This liquid chlorine is commonly used as shock, and used in place of chlorine tablets. Many pool owners believe this liquid chlorine is all they need to properly say a swimming pool, and unfortunately this is incorrect. Liquid chlorine is very inefficient and costly compared to properly maintaining a swimming pool using chlorine tablets and a weekly shock treatment. Liquid shock may seem easier to use than the granular shock for some pool owners because you simply walk up to the pool and dump the liquid in. The problem is that after you dump the risky liquid in your pool, you have to dispose of all the empty plastic bottles with the risky chemical residue inside. Granular pool shock is packaged in small, easy to use 1 lb. Bags. If any children have passage to the area where pool chemicals are stored it will be far easier to have an urgency arresting full or empty bottles of liquid chlorine, than an urgency with bags of granular pool shock. Granular Pool Shock is rated at a minimum of 47% available chlorine and available in concentrations up to 75%. If you look at the label on a bottle of liquid chlorine it will say that it is Only 10% sodium Hypochlorite (chlorine)!! This means you are paying for 90% salt water with every bottle you buy. The dosage for a accepted granular pool shock is 1 lb. Per 10,000 gallons of pool water. If you are currently using a liquid shock, you should assess the cost of a dose of liquid shock to the cost of a dose of granular pool shock. You will find that granular pool shock can offer you a requisite savings. Instructions for "shocking" a swimming pool: Now that you know why you need to shock your pool and which pool shock goods to use, the next demand is how do you shock your pool. Before any pool shock is added to your swimming pool water the chemical must first be pre-dissolved in a bucket of water. All forms of pool shock are granular, and should dissolve relatively quickly. The first step is to fill a 5-gallon bucket with water from the pool and moderately pour the granular pool shock into the bucket of water (Never add water to a chemical, always add chemicals to water). Stir the bucket well and agitate the water for one microscopic or more to dissolve the pool shock. With the filtration principles running, moderately pour the bucket of dissolved shock directly in front of the return line fitting. You will see the dissolved shock water being carried out into the pool by the jet of water coming from the return line. Pour slow sufficient that all of the water pouring from the bucket is carried out into the pool, and does not resolve to the pool floor. When you near the lowest of the bucket (down to about 1/4 left in the bucket) you should fill the bucket back up with pool water and stir it again for one microscopic or more. There will be shock granules at the lowest of the bucket, which did not dissolve the first time. If you have a vinyl liner in your swimming pool you cannot allow un-dissolved pool shock to resolve to the floor, because this may bleach or stain your pool liner.


Pool Chemicals: Pool Shock
Pool Chemicals: Pool Shock

Shockshock cord

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How Does Shock affect the Body?

Circulatory shock or using its allowable name physiological shock is when the blood flow in your body is dramatically reduced. This type of shock happens when your body is physically reacting to a situation your body is being faced to deal with, which is separate to the coarse type of shock when your mind is reacting to a situation for example being a victim of an aggressive crime.

Physiological shock can be caused by severe bleeding, a blood clot in the heart or lungs, spinal injury, severe vomiting and diarrhoea or poisoning. Physiological shock is split into separate types depending on the cause.


For example, if your heart has been severely damaged by a major heart charge or similar reason, it is no longer able to pump the blood colse to the body properly and therefore your blood flow has reduced quite dramatically. This type of physiological shock is called cardiogenic shock. It can be treated by using drugs to make the heart beat stronger, whilst the heart is recovering. This is what we see on the hospital Tv programmes when someone suffers a heart charge and then goes into shock after as the heart is not working properly and the person's blood pressure has dramatically reduced.

How Does Shock affect the Body?

You can also suffer from "Septic Shock" which is when a bacterial infection causes the person's blood pressure to drop. Anyone who has been suffering from a severe illness, sickness and diarrhoea caused by a bacterial infection could suffer septic shock. The bacterial infection could come from a estimate of sources such as untreated and dirty wounds, or from contaminated food and/or internal intake. When bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics the bacteria releases heavy amounts of toxins which are then killed off. These toxins can enter the body and the blood stream which can make the shock worse and must be dealt with by the accurate administering and monitoring of drugs.

Another form of shock which can cause this physiological or circulatory shock is anaphylactic shock. You may have heard of anaphylactic shock which is a body's severe allergic reaction to something such as a bee sting, wasp sting, food allergy such as nuts, shellfish or eggs and can also contain the allergic reaction to some medicines such an penicillin. Due to this reaction, the blood flow colse to the body is not being circulated properly. This type of shock can be hazardous as it can work on the person's breathing too as well as swelling to the mouth, throat, lips and tongue. Anyone who is aware of suffering from this type of shock should carry on them an EpiPen which should be self administered immediately whilst you are waiting for curative help.

If you are in any doubt, you should always seek curative assistance. However, knowing basic first aid skills could be of great aid in the meantime.

How Does Shock affect the Body?

Shockshock pump

Static Shock

When some one mentions static shock, you may think of the beloved cartoons or Tv show slapstick. But here we are dealing with the shock that is caused by static electricity. Shock is a trauma resulting from electricity passing through ones body to another object. If you touch a live galvanic wire, the current flows through your person to the ground. This gives you a jolt, which could be severe, or even fatal. Such shocks can come from static electricity as well. An example of this is the jerk you might feel if you walk vigorously on a carpeting and then touch a metal object, say, a doorknob or any conductor (a material that does not resist electricity) for that matter. The same impact may be felt in a handshake or a kiss. What takes place is an electrostatic discharge (Esd).

To understand static electricity one has to look at atoms. Each atom consists of for real expensed Protons, Neutrons that are neutral and Electrons, which have negative charge. Ordinarily an atom has equal amount of Protons and Electrons, balancing each other. This keeps the atom without any charge. But when the balance is upset, static electricity generates and remains stagnant till it finds an outlet through Esd.


The parity in the middle of the sure charge and the negative charge in an atom can be destabilized when an Electron migrates. Protons and Neutrons Ordinarily remain with the atom. The change of Electrons takes place either due to disagreement or stress, or by induction, that is, when an object is in a static field.

Static Shock

The Electrons that have moved from an atom are negatively charged. They seek the opposite, for real expensed particles. When you touch a conductive material, the electron flows to that material. This quick drainage is felt as a shock. You may find more instances of such shock while winter. This is because dry air is very conducive to the build up of static electricity.

Generally, manufacturing plants take precautions against static electricity and static shock. There are separate equipment and systems for this. But in homes, if the qoute is getting to be more than a nuisance, a transported humidifier can possibly handle it. Consult an master or the manufacturers.

Static Shock

Shockshock absorber sports bra

Saturday, July 16, 2011

When To Replace Your Shock Absorbers

Shock absorbers [or struts] play an important part in your vehicle's suspension system. You need to replace them when sure signs of wear becomes evident, otherwise your security and ease can come to be compromised.

A shock absorber works by "damping" the compression and postponement of the vehicle's suspension springs to preclude ongoing bouncing. Shocks work to soften road impact, preclude inordinate rebound, limit sway, and enhance extensive road handling. When your shocks are working properly your car holds the road either you are braking, negotiating a bend in the road, driving on bumpy roads or experiencing strong side winds. When worn out, shocks can contribute to you losing control of your car putting you, your passengers, and riders in other vehicles in grave danger.


There are a collection of associates producing transfer suspension parts, three are highlighted here:

When To Replace Your Shock Absorbers

Kyb shocks is the largest provider of shocks and struts to vehicle manufacturers in the world. Their line up of shocks cover the whole gamut from transfer to upgrade to operation shocks and struts.

Perhaps the most well know name in the business is Monroe. Founded in 1916 when cars still rode on carriage springs, Monroe invented the first shock absorber and the business has been innovating ever since.

Tokico shocks are probably less known to consumers, but they are a favorite for those who want a unique mixture of ride, adhesion, and handling.

So, when should you replace your shocks? Every 50,000 miles as one maker suggests? Well, it might be earlier than that if you ordinarily drive on rough roads or much later if your driving is more local, the roads are well maintained, etc.

One way to conclude either your shocks need replacing is to do this simple test:

1. Grab hold of the corner of your vehicle's bumper.

2. Push down on it as hard as you can.

3. Observe: the bumper should have dropped down, jumped back up and gone down again once. If it continually moves, then that single shock is no longer effective. Repeat the test on the remaining three corners of your vehicle.

Other telltale signs of shock wear can be observed through leakage [although a leak is not all the time indicative of wear] and by observing tire wear patterns. Finally, if you are plainly experiencing request for retrial sickness every time you go for a ride, then that can be the best indicator that your shocks or struts need replacing.

When To Replace Your Shock Absorbers

Shockshocking pen

Friday, July 15, 2011

African Tribe Secrets That Will Shock You: The Masai And White Women Tourists

There is a well-known African tribe called the Masai who have managed to retain a lot of their culture in spite of discrete pressures to abandon them like many other African tribes have.

Some of the well-hidden secrets of this warrior tribe found in East Africa has attracted hoards of white women tourists who go to Africa with only one mission in mind, and that is to find a real Masai warrior for a companion.


And even as authorities in these poor African countries begin to take note of this morally disturbing amelioration the institution is still thriving, as these governments are very reluctant to do whatever that would interfere with their high-priced tourism cash cow.

African Tribe Secrets That Will Shock You: The Masai And White Women Tourists

But even more shockingly disturbing is the trend where women who conduct to accomplish this weird objective are hooked for life and some have even left their families, husbands and financial security, to settle for life with their new-found penniless Masai lovers.

What is it about this primitive African tribe that is so irresistible to those who have discovered it? Is it linked to some sort of voodoo institution as some habitancy say?

Actually the sass is to be found in some practices and culture that the Masai tribe has retained which make this warrior tribe irresistible to those who have had any sense with them. I well came across it all roughly by urgency in a well written narrative by an African specialist on the Masai tribe. The rather inspiring facts left me in numb shock.

But well there can be no other explanation why so many women, mostly from Britain, Germany and a few other European countries are risking so much to be with the primitive Masai African tribe of East Africa. Or can there be?

African Tribe Secrets That Will Shock You: The Masai And White Women Tourists
